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Your path to struggle-free eating 
starts here

Yes, you can regain control over your food.

Are you ready to give up your fight with food?

Eating is the most natural, basic function of life.  It is Nourishment. Health. Survival. 
So how did food turn into the arch-enemy?

When I eat,

I feel:

Out of Control

It shouldn’t be that way!

But a lifetime of society-imposed messages has transformed your inner voice into your own worst tormentor.

You need to lose ten pounds to fit into that dress by next week!


You may as well give up dieting; you have zero self-control.


Who will ever want to marry you?


How could you have eaten all that ice cream, you fat slob?


Who will ever want to marry you?


You may as well give up dieting; you have zero self-control.

If these voices have been hounding you for years, 
making you ashamed of your body, ashamed of yourself… 

It's time to reset your relationship with food


How could you have eaten all that ice cream, you fat slob?

lock the fridge.jpg

Lock up the fridge - you simply can’t be trusted around food! 

lock the fridge.jpg

Lock up the fridge - you simply can’t be trusted around food! 


Hi, I’m Aliza! 
A registered nutritionist and certified intuitive eating coach.  
I help women like you break free from your struggle-and-guilt mindset, and regain control and confidence in yourself around food – all in a safe, judgement-free environment. 


A calorie-counting diet.

A list of “forbidden” foods.

That all-too-familiar feeling of restriction and deprivation.


Release from the emotions surrounding food.

Awareness of your body and your internal hunger cues.

Trust in yourself to make good food choices.

A sense of control over your eating. 

The ability to eat what you want without feeling deprived.

I’ve gotten rid of the voice in my head that insisted, 
“Your worth is based on a number on the scale.”

"My work with Aliza was life-changing. It wasn’t about losing weight; it was about feeling good inside and out.  About being aware of my emotional state and in control of my eating decisions.  I’ve never been so comfortable with myself and the way I look as I am now - and a lot of that has to do with getting rid of that voice in my head that insisted, 
“Your worth is based on a number on the scale”.


—  Name, Title


Are you the mother of daughters?

You are the single greatest influence on your daughter’s perspective on food and eating.

I can give you the tools to raise your daughter with a healthy view of herself, her body and her eating habits.

If you’ve been torturing yourself for years with messages of unworthiness and shame…

You owe it to yourself to learn a different way. 

Rediscover food 
as the nourishing 
life-sustaining force it was created to be.

Rediscover yourself and the naturally strong, self-confident and beautiful person that you are.


Ready to stop dieting and start living?  
The journey to a healthier you starts here!

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